Monday, May 28, 2007

Hopes fading heart

`twas the last beat of hopes fading heart.
Yet try as my fevered mind might,
I could not save her with my poetic art.
I was left standing, a man alone in the night.

Lost and alone with no ray of light,
I walked the darkness and fear.
Hoping to find a ray, a beam so bright.
Yet none came, no one drew near.

So like the walking wounded cry,
I journeyed forth with my heart cold.
Looking up towards the stars in the sky,
I knew that I would carry this burden until I grew old.

I confronted that beauty that she was to me.
Weeping at the thoughts of no hope.
I looked into her eyes that nevermore see.
With My dreams and desires captured by death's rope.

My heart ripped from it's foundations.
In that moment, hopes heartbeat faded and passed.
Tears flowed like rain in consternation.
Drowning me in the light of love that had amassed.

Love which would be there no more.
It drove this strong man to His knees.
Weak with the knowledge of the vacuum I abhore.
Then from my lips escaped, "God, please."

And hopes heart, beat no more.

Copyrighted by Edward Haddock


How do I tell you of the feelings that I have for you?
If the universe were a cup and my love measured in drops,
then the whole of the universe could not hold the total
of the love that I have for you.
Yet the darkness of you not being here remains and is complete.
I ache for you, your look, and your feel. I miss you,
your essential essence and the presence of your spirit.
In my world you are not only a part of the exterior of me but
also a critical component of the interior of me. I rage within
myself at the loneliness that is there.
How is it that my mind is only half here without you? Have you
become so crucial to me, that me is no longer without you? When
did I become us and when did us become so entwined that it is now
me? Sure we say we when talking to others, but it is me that we are!
A single entity in mind and spirit shared between these two bodies.
Complete only when our two bodies are entangled in physical love.
At that moment me is one.
Return to me my love! Make me whole again!

Copyrighted by Edward Haddock

The search for truth

Aloha again,
At a lost to describe it all, I search for truth, and am left empty. So I guess I will start posting up my poetry so that I can look at it and read them for myself. No worries. I doubt many other people will look at them.

Looking towards the next version

I want to add a couple of more things to my Floppy creator. here is what I want it to do..
1.) Check if the floppy is mounted, and where, then pass that to the rest of the program. For example, sometimes it comes up at /dev/sde othertimes /dev/sdb etc...
2.) Unmount the floppy if it is mounted else, move on. If then structure..
3.) fdisk the floppy inside the program so no need to do prior to. Can you fdisk with one line instead of interactively? Echo out that it is done.
4.) Format the floppy ext2. Maybe put a label? Have to look into this. No need for vfat...I don't use windows anymore. Echo out that format is complete.
5.) Mount the floppy.
6.) Change the owner.
7.) Change the permissions. Echo out that floppy has been setup for me.
8.) Unmount the floppy.
9.) Echo a completion message.

Improved floppy bash script

I improved my floppy bash script by setting it up with a variable and clarifying a few things. I am making it GPL'd, have to investigate how to do that correctly, and added some additional comments. Here it is...
#Title: makefloppy Written by: Edward Haddock Date: 5/28/07
#License: GPL This can be copied and modified for your own use.
#A bash script to format floppies then change the owner to me
#and set the permission up correctly.
#First use fdisk to create the partition on the floppy.
#Then use mke2fs to format it
mke2fs $1
#Now mount, change ownership, then unmount
mount -t ext2 $1 /media/disk
chown -R edward:edward /media/disk
chmod -R 755 /media/disk
umount $1
#Remove and resinsert the floppy, it's mine now with the right permissions.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Linux USB Floppy Drive

I started out today trying to get my USB Floppy Drive to work with Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty. It was recognized but I couldn't get the floppies themselves to format or gain ownership of the floppies after they were mounted. To solve this I wrote a short little bash script called makefloppy. All it does is take a floppy that was partitioned using fdisk on drive /dev/sde and format it and gives me ownership of it. Now when the floppy is inserted, it mounts and opens and I have full access to it. It needs to be executable and ran as sudo to work. Here is the bash script I wrote:
#A little bash script to make floppies mine for use.
# First use fdisk to create the partition on the floppy.
#Then use mke2fs to format it
mke2fs /dev/sde
#Now mount, change ownership, then unmount
mount -t ext2 /dev/sde /media/disk
chown -R edward:edward /media/disk
chmod -R 755 /media/disk
umount /dev/sde
#Remove and resinsert the floppy, it's mine now